lundi 27 avril 2009

How to Sell Anything to Anybody

This technique puts the customer in a position to feel good about the product or idea being purchased. It is an example of a "core" presentation and does not include the introduction or the closing.


1. Ask the buyer to tell you about the last really good experience they had when making a similar purchase.
2. Watch the customers eyes and note which direction the buyer gazes.
3. Listen to the buyers story. Note which kind of sense phrases the buyer uses (i.e. felt, saw, heard).
4. Validate the customers story by saying a certain phrase (i.e. "That's a Great Story"). Stress the core of the phrase and "verbally punch" the words Great Story to make them stand out, slightly. Create your own phrase that works with your own presentation or use this one.
5. Present your product making sure to hold the product, brochure , etc. in such a way as to direct the customers eyes to the same position they were in while they were remembering the previous good experience (step 2).
6. When the customer gazes where the product or brochure is being held say to the buyer "I've got a Great Story to tell you about this [product or service you are selling]". If the buyer used a phrase that included the word "feel" you might say " I "feel" you'll like this Great Story about this [product or service you are selling]. Try to re-use words that the buyer used when telling you about their good experience.


* Establish rapport with the buyer prior to Step #1. This can be simple introductions but must include enough rapport building as to make Step #1 flow naturally in the conversation.
* Mirror the buyers physical state and vocal pattern. If the buyer stands with their hands in their pockets put your hands in your pockets. If the buyer scratches their head with their left hand wait 5-10 seconds and scratch your head with your right (mirrored) hand. Don't be too obvious, remember you are trying to make the buyer comfortable.
* It's OK to create your own phrase. It must sound natural coming out of Your mouth.
* If the customer said they "felt" something in their story you might touch or lightly bump the customer with the product or brochure at the very moment you use the phrase in your response. ( Don't be obvious )
* Make sure to follow up with your "Great Story" and Close the Sale.

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